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Thrifty Thursdays


Thrifty Thursday  Non food Halloween treats and Teal Pumpkin Project

Thrifty Thursday Non food Halloween treats and Teal Pumpkin Project 0

Thrifty Thursday Non food Halloween treats and Teal Pumpkin Project

Provide goodies other than candy.


  • Carole Zellers
Thrifty Thursday - tips for making mums last longer!

Thrifty Thursday - tips for making mums last longer! 0

It’s hard to find a more popular plant for fall decorating than flowering mums – but wouldn’t it be great if you could keep them blooming just a bit longer throughout the Autumn season?
Mums, or “Chrysanthumums” as officially known, can certainly be pricey to purchase. And unfortunately, they seem to be getting more and more expensive as each year passes.
Nothing says “Autumn” like beautiful, blooming chrysanthemums in full color!
With that in mind, getting the most “bloom” for your buck is in the best interest of every gardener. So here is a look at 3 simple secrets for keeping your mums and their beautiful blooms around as long as possible this fall.
1. Buy Smart At The Start
Getting the most from your mum plants starts at the checkout begins right at the time of purchase. Selecting mums that are already in full bloom will give you just a few weeks of color at home. Unfortunately, mums that are already showing their blooms are not the best choice for bringing home. In fact, if they are in full flowering mode, they most likely have less two weeks or less of prime color left.
Even partial blooming mums in stores should be avoided if at all possible. Instead, look for plants that are full of buds but have not yet flowered. And the tighter the bud – the better!  Get the most bloom for your buck, choose plants with compact, tightly wrapped buds.
Mums at this stage will not only last longer, but they can also be managed better by the next two secrets to extend their bloom period to the fullest.
2. Watering Mums
Keep it watered well, and with the right method. The less humid and dry air of Autumn can quickly dry the soil in potted plants. Especially a plant that is using additional moisture to produce blooms. The less humid, drier conditions of fall dry out plants quickly. Mums require a consistent supply of water to keep their bloom cycle as long as possible. If they are allowed to dry out for extended periods by infrequent and inconsistent watering, it will greatly reduce their overall bloom cycle. Check the soil daily with the tip of your fingertips. If the soil is dry an inch or so down, it’s time to water. Most potted mums will require water at least once a day, even more if it is exceptionally hot.
How You Water Makes A Big Difference!
As crazy as it sounds, how you water your mums also plays a huge role in how long the blooms will last too. And it all starts by never watering your mums from the top down. When the blooms of mums become saturated with water, it weakens and fades them quickly. In fact, it can cut a bloom’s life span in half! When watering, water at the base of the plant and not through the buds or flowers on top. Water around the edges of pots and containers, or below the bloom line when watering with a hose. The important part is to keep the blooms from becoming saturated.
3. Location, Location, Location.
Where you display your mums will also impact their blooming life span. Mums can certainly handle full sun, but all that heat and light greatly reduce their overall bloom cycle time. Choosing partial to mostly shady locations will make a big difference in how long your blooms stay strong. In fact, it can extend their healthy look by as much as a full two weeks or more!
Keeping plants in more shade than sun greatly extends the overall bloom life of the plant. Although the plants need sun to develop buds, mums will still unfurl their blooms in indirect light. That is why porches, patios and even underneath the canopy of bushes and trees are all excellent choices. Not only do they keep the sun’s rays at bay, but they also protect the mums from hard rains as well.
And speaking of fall displays, don’t forget about adding some flowering kale and cabbage plants to the mix too! They are a great addition to fall displays, and their color can last well into December!
#naturalhomebrands #mums #chrysanthumums #thriftythursday #kale #fallflowers #flowertips
  • Carole Zellers
Thrifty Thursday - Coffee Filters - Economical and EcoFriendly

Thrifty Thursday - Coffee Filters - Economical and EcoFriendly 0

Thrifty Thursday - Coffee Filters - Economical and EcoFriendly
Coffee filters .... Who knew! And you can buy 1,000 at the Dollar Tree for almost nothing even the large ones.
  • Carole Zellers
Thrifty Thursday Ways to Save with Natural Home Brands

Thrifty Thursday Ways to Save with Natural Home Brands 0

  • Carole Zellers
Thrifty Thursday   -  Prepare for Fall - money saving tips

Thrifty Thursday - Prepare for Fall - money saving tips 0

Thrifty Thursday - Prepare for Fall - money saving tips

20 "Green" money saving tips for Fall

In many areas the temperatures are beginning to drop and soon leaves will begin to fall. This time of year is perfect for other Eco-friendly activities as well. Here are some ideas:

  • Carole Zellers
Thrifty Thursday - sustainable products by Natural Home Brands -

Thrifty Thursday - sustainable products by Natural Home Brands - 0

Thrifty Thursday - Why are Eco-friendly products more expensive?

Why Sustainable Goods Cost More (And Why You Should Consider Choosing Them Anyway)

  • Carole Zellers