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Items to Remove From Your Home - Declutter!


Items to remove from your home

(for a less cluttered life)


Get a Jump Start On Spring Cleaning!


We always say we are going to Spring clean, but when reality sets it, we don’t have time, too busy, too attached, too set in our ways! We can help with that. We’ve gathered a few ideas for things that should be a no brainer to toss or donate when going through your de-cluttering and Spring cleaning routine.


Less can easily be more! More space, more breathing room, more thinking space, less clutter, junk, and items that are just collecting dust! Go thru our ten questions (or see image on the bottom of this page) when decluttering, and keep in mind of how much you throw away! Are these items you NEED to buy, can you reduce your waste and carbon footprint and simply do without? Questions to think about along the way…

Here goes the list!

  1. Expired cosmetics, lotions, nail polishes – I’m talking about stuff you’ve had for years that you can’t seem to part from

  2. Clothes that no longer fit – if it’s a weight goal to fit into something that used to fit two years ago – DONATE IT! Start your weight loss or weight gain journey from scratch while not comparing yourself to how you looked when you were 25! #bodypositivity all the way

  3. Towels with holes in them – cut these down into smaller towels for handy cleaning; if your small towels have holes in it, drop off at a clothes recycling center or box so they can be made into new textiles

  4. Expired receipts – from junk drawers, your purse or messenger bag, your cork board – opt in for a paperless receipt next time. Scan purchases that are important to you, like that new mattress, or washing machine. 

  5. Mismatched jewelry – why are you keeping this? If its partner is long gone, toss it, or upcycle it. There are fun crafts you can do with statement pieces – like making a hair pin!

  6. Tupperware without the lids – recycle these and opt in for molded bamboo, stainless steel, or glassware next time. You can also regrow food scraps like green onions, and garlic in these as well, but since it’s plastic, it’s most likely a good idea to recycle them instead.

  7. Junk mail – Expired coupons from two months ago – RECYCLE! Leave a note inside your mail box that says you don’t want junk mail, you will notice this will help reduce the amount you get!

  8. Old textbooks – Might need a refresher one day? Or how about 10 years down the line? Most likely the information is outdated, OR a student could use your textbook collecting dust. Donate to a bookstore, help a student out!

  9. Old invitations or save the dates – If it’s a cute picture, I get it, maybe keep your favorite’s in the same box you keep special notes and cards. If it’s your old roomie you haven’t talked to in a few years, recycle it!

  10. Extra linens – Table clothes, sheets, towels; decipher on what you ACTUALLY use and take it from there. Sheets for the summer, sheets for the winter, enough towels for a week, and a few tablecloths. Free up closet space and make someone’s day by making a donation so they can spruce up their own home with these necessities!

  11. Take out Menus – There are online now people! Save a tree, don’t take a menu.

  12. Old shoes – Don’t fit, got holes in them? There are places that take donations, even shoes with holes in them, they re-sole them and provide shoes for children and families in other countries.

  13. Mismatched socks – Who knows where these really go…if it’s taking up space, utilize these as a dusting cloth or cleaning cloth, or donate so it can be recycled into new textiles.

  14. Extra Furniture – it’s taking up space, donate it, or give to a friend or family member. If you possibly want it back one day, let your friend or family member know ;)

  15. Broken electronics – recycle these at your next e-waste drive or find a place in your city to drop off. Go on the same day you drop off your other donations so you have a productive donation day.

  16. Broken kitchen utensils & gadgets – If it’s not serving its purpose any more, recycle it, upcycle it or toss.

  17. Craft Supplies You No Longer Craft with – Free up space and get rid of whatever you no longer use. Maybe it’s beads, yarn, buttons; if you haven’t used it in the last year or two, donate it.

  18. Old files and records - Scan your paper files and upload into organized folders on your computer. Records for recent insurance claims and payments are recommended to be kept up to 5 years, 7 years if related to tax returns. “Keep records for 3 years from the date you filed your original return or 2 years from the date you paid the tax, whichever is later, if you file a claim for credit or refund after you file your return. Keep records for 7 years if you file a claim for a loss from worthless securities or bad debt deduction –irs.gov” Again, it’s pretty handy to scan these documents so you don’t accumulate so much paper – if you don’t have a scanner, comb thru all documents and see what still pertains to you and what is necessary to keep.

  19. Socks and underwear with holes in them – drop these off at a textile recycling center.

  20. Extra dishware – If you’re a family of two and have enough to feed a family of 5 off, for two weeks without doing dishes, you probably have too many. See if a friend needs these, or donate. You’ll free up cabinet space.

Creating “piles”

Once you’ve gone thru our two lists, you’ll probably have a few piles on hand: donate, keep, and toss. To help re-evaluate what’s in each of these piles, refer to the 10 questions to help you de-clutter. If you really don’t need it, but hope to fix it up someday, or use it for a craft, be real with yourself. 90% of the time, it will be more useful or helpful in another person’s hands.


Related Articles:

10 Questions to Help You Declutter

Why Donating & Buying Used is the Way to Go

 Importance of the Three R's


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  • Gabriella De Luca