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Fact or Fiction Fridays


Fact or Fiction Friday  - Recycling Time Line

Fact or Fiction Friday - Recycling Time Line

 Answer to our Fact or Fiction question is False -  

Archaeologists have discovered evidence that ancient people living in the area of what is now Dubai practiced recycling methods around 3,000 years ago.

Recycling may seem like a modern concept and movement, but humans have always reused things to alleviate the scarcity of resources. Recycling is “subjecting a used material to a process so that it can be reused.” The practice played a vital role during the years of the World Wars, when the disruption of trade routes and the rationing of raw materials and commodities forced the search for alternatives. 

  • Carole Zellers
Fact or Fiction Friday - Apartment Composting

Fact or Fiction Friday - Apartment Composting

The answer to our Facebook fact or fiction statement is = False

EVERYONE CAN BENEFIT FROM USING A COMPOST BIN!!  - Even apartment dwellers.  read on to check out the various uses of compost.

  • Carole Zellers
4th of July Fun Facts

4th of July Fun Facts

Here are 15 fun facts about the U.S. birthday that might surprise family and friends.
  • Carole Zellers
Sweden is Running Out of Garbage!

Sweden is Running Out of Garbage!

Fact or Fiction Friday


Answer is true!   Sweden imports garbage -    read on to learn more

Late in 2016, Sweden’s government ran into a truly unique problem. The Scandinavian nation was running out of garbage. Thanks to an innovative waste-to-energy (WTE) program, Sweden was in a position where it was actually forced to import garbage from other nations. In the years since Sweden’s energy revolution has helped the nation virtually eliminate its waste while helping other trash producers rid themselves of refuse.

  • Carole Zellers


Fact or Fiction Friday – Gold and silver are often used to make jewelry ... rings, chains, bracelets, charms and other fashionable accessories are designed from old computer parts ... This is a true statement – see item 2 in article below

We often hear talk about the importance of recycling our electronic devices, but do you know what happens to your e-waste once you hand the outdated devices to recycling facility?

Much of the technology we use today is made of metals and other materials that can be reused to develop other products. Gold, copper, plastic, glass, tin, platinum, titanium, tin, zinc palladium, and silver are just a few of the precious fabrics used to design computers, phones, hand held devices, TV’s, kitchen appliances, audio-visual equipment, copiers and other essential home and office tools.

  • Carole Zellers
20 Amazing Facts About Bamboo

20 Amazing Facts About Bamboo

1. Bamboo is not a tree
Because of its height and strong stem, many people mistake it to be a tree. But in reality, it belongs to the family of grasses. It is the tallest grass existing in the world. It has 1,718 identified species in the world. Bamboos can be divided into two large groups. One is running bamboo and the other is clumping bamboo. Running bamboo’s roots expand outwards aggressively. So, it might invade the neighboring areas. These kinds of bamboos grow in temperate regions such as China But the clumping bamboos stay within the clump. So, they do not expand much from their area. Clumping bamboos grow in tropical regions. This group of bamboo forms the largest bamboo species.
  • Carole Zellers